The Body as a Voice: Damage Limitation Techniques
​Product Description​
This two page brochure provides information to help reduce the damage of NSSI. Whilst, it does not encourage the behaviour, NSSI is understood as a coping mechanism that is used to cope with undesired affect (amongst other functions).
It is strongly recommended that before self-injuring you try a wide range of alternative coping strategies, such as talking throughm your feelings, using distraction or self-soothing techniques, grounding or re-orienting techniques, or any other nonharmful alternatives to NSSI (try the The Body as a Voice: List of Non-injurious Alternatives on the Resources page).
TRIGGER WARNING: This brochure contains descriptive information that may be highly triggering to those who self-injure.
This brochure is intended ONLY for those who engage in chronic NSSI, not for those who have just started self-injuring or only self-injure occasionally.
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Digital PDF (Acrobat) Document File
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Printing Instructions
2 colour pages
Print on both sides of one page
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Disclaimer: These resources are only recommended for supplementary support of individuals struggling with NSSI. They are NOT intended as a replacement for counselling, psychoeducation, or familial, social or other essential supports. Please seek out additional assistance or support as needed.

$4.00 (AUD)